Sunday, February 17, 2013

Abrams and Whedon

This article was about how Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams' works have impacted television and the film industry today.

I learned that:
  • Abrams worked on the Lost T.V. series.
  • Abrams inspired Tom Cruise to become a movie-director.
  • Fanbase is important when it comes to a television show or film's success.
I thought this article was pretty elaborate. I like how this article gives you a taste of how Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams have impacted this industry. I also like how this article gives names of who could be the next Whedon or Abrams.

My one question is: Will these directors/writers be BETTER than Whedon and Abrams in the future?


This article was about how Matt Jones, a Pixar illustrator, is going to help Facebook reinvent the emoticon!

I learned that:
  • Dacher Keltner, the codirector of University of California-Berkeley's Greater-Good Science Program, started helping Facebook with this project.
  • Charles Darwin's book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals was primarily used as a reference.
  • Matt Jones tried adding noises for emoticons. xD
I thought this article was really neat. I like how a Pixar illustrator is getting involved in something like this. I also like how far they're going to go with this, from new colors to major exaggeration.

My one question is: How long will it be before this actually happens on Facebook?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day! Weekly Update!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
This week was pretty good in terms of what went on in school and such.
Swimming is pretty much over for me. Today's my last day. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?

What made me happy this week was probably getting a grade on my 3d logo that was better than I thought it would be. I totally thought I bombed that project, in a BAD way.

What frustrated me this week was the joint tool and all of that stuff. I just get irritated by how much I have to work on that stupid tool.

I want to learn how to create more detailed 3d character models for the most part.

This week I learned that 3d is PRETTY FREAKING TEDIOUS (if I do say so myself..)

This game is unbelievably smooth in terms of animation.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Taratino is a filmmaker who has a "twisted" style of films.

I didn't know that:
  • Quentin Tarantino worked on films such as Django Unchained, Inglorious Basterds, and many others.
  • He somewhat takes bits and pieces of other films and makes them into his own film.
  • Tarantino incorporates personal dilemmas in lhis projects, without making it obvious.
I thought this article was weird in a way. Quentin Tarantino, to me, has always seemed a bit weird. Hey, you have to be a little crazy to be creative though, right? I also think that Tarantino has left his mark on the film industry, in a good way.

My one question is: How do his films work even though there are so many different elements in each of them?


A man named John Kahrs was inspired by animated films like Tangled to create his own short called Paperman.

I didn't know that:
  • John Kahrs worked as an animator at Pixar, then at Walt Disney Animation Studios.
  • They used a program called Meander for this short film.
  • Creating this short film required many steps in order for it to look 2d and 3d, such as silhouette ribbons.
I thought this article was really fascinating. The short itself looks like a Pixar short and a 2d Disney film combined. I also like how this is a new approach to the animation field.

My one question is: Will this short be adapted into a full-length movie? (if possible)

February 8th, 2013

This week was not bad, but not good.

What frustrated me this week was probably getting the FREAKING SKELETON TAG to work, and probably worrying about swimming a lot this week, considering I have Class A tomorrow. I'm excited but I want to get it over with at the same time.

What made me happy this week was probably the fact that I don't have practice today because of Nemo! Way to bring it bro~~

I learned about lighting among other things this week.

I really want to learn how to get more detailed with meshes I guess.
This, I thought, was cute.
I love the dog, and this person's style of animating.